Estate administration

Estate administration

Support when you need it most

Handling the estate of someone who has died can be a lengthy and complex process, but it needs to be carried out with care to make sure all the correct procedures are followed, and liabilities are paid.

At what’s already a difficult and stressful time, you need someone who can handle the process with both sensitivity and attention to detail.

From initially registering the death and applying for probate all the way through to distributing the assets and producing final estate accounts, we’re here to support you at every stage.

Our role can be as involved as you need, providing expert advice and support to the executors named in the will.

If you’re in the process of preparing your own will, you might also choose to appoint us as its professional executor, giving you and your loved one’s certainty for the future.

Every Estate is different, but generally the steps involved in applying for probate and subsequently administering the Estate include:

  • Registering the death and securing property
  • Establishing the value of the Estate
  • Preparing the Inheritance Tax Forms
  • Calculating and reporting any Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax up to the death and, if required, for the period of administration
  • Applying for the Grant of Probate
  • Collecting the assets and advising the executors of any tax implications associated with disposing of and distributing specific assets
  • Discharging the debts
  • Distributing the assets to the Beneficiaries and providing the final Estate accounts

We can also advise you on inheritance tax and estate planning as you make these important decisions, as well as the use of trusts.

We have produced a free guide to probate and estate administration services which you can download here.

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